Money Bag Charm
Money Bag Charm: A charm in the shape of a money bag is good luck jewelry.
The money bag is an amulet of direct simplicity. It represents exactly what it is, plenty of money. Like silver dimes and encased coins, rolled coins, and specially-made good luck tokens, money bag charms are popular gamblers' amulets. They can be found on early 20th century New Year's good luck postcards, where they represent a wish for prosperity (and are sometimes associated with the figure of a chimney sweep or a lucky pig).
Marked with a $ sign -- or, in the European tradition, with a large number such as 1,000 or 10,000 -- tiny money bags frequently appear on European and American charm bracelets. They also can be found on or in mojo hands for drawing money. The money bag image -- and its near-relation, the stack of bills and coins -- is also encountered on the labels of African-American hoodoo supplies, including the oils and powders known as Money Drawing and Money Stay With Me. One sign of U.S. domination of the Americas is that the bag marked with a $ is even found in the iconograophy of some Mexican package amulets designed to draw wealth.